Music AI Logo

Unleash your creativity on Music AI !

Unlock members to get more exclusive benefits

Billed yearly,
100 tokens
50 daily token
1GB Cloud Storage
Only supports non-PRO models
No Priority Generation Queue
No Advanced and Beta features
Up to 1 pending jobs
Works can be saved in the cloud for free for 90 days
Billed yearly,14%OFF
8000 tokens / month
8000 tokens / month
5GB Cloud Storage
Unlimited use of all models
Priority Generation Queue
Advanced and Beta features
Up to 4 pending jobs
Works permanently preserved
Choose to make results private
Unlimited Download
best value
Billed yearly,30%OFF
18000 tokens / month
18000 tokens / month
10GB Cloud Storage
Unlimited use of all models
Highest Priority Generation Queue
Advanced and Beta features
Up to 8 pending jobs
Works permanently preserved
Choose to make results private
Unlimited Download